The GO Adventure Trailer Finds Adventure at the Middle Fork of the Salmon River.

Tech specs, promo materials, awards, photo galleries…these are well and good, but what really makes the SylvanSport GO adventure trailer truly shine are the real life stories. It’s the tales of expeditions, outing, and trips that show what the GO is really made of.

Eric Albert is a GO customer, dealer, and avid paddler in western Canada. His latest exploit was as the expedition leader of a paddling trip down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho. Here is the account of his journey down the Middle Fork with a GO trailer:

“Ever since I received my GO in 2011, I have been using it for everything from moving furniture, to getting building supplies, to transporting garbage to the dump, and of course transporting my boats and gear to the river’s edge. Each time, the GO, in its different configurations, has outperformed, and exceeded my expectations. Quite honestly SylvanSport should have named it the “Mule” instead of the GO.

I primarily use my GO for riversports and camping. With two young sons, both at the age where they need their ‘toys’ as well, it has become ever so difficult to find the space required to tote the gear, boats, and bikes to our destinations. Without the GO, it simply would be a very difficult proposition.

A couple years ago, I had the distinct opportunity to paddle the Selway River in Northern Idaho, which required me as the expedition leader, to transport a huge load of gear and folks over a mountain pass, treturous terrain, and through tight riverside road passages in order to get to the put in. This journey was a true test for the GO…and it out performed all my expectations. To learn more about that expedition, check out the SylvanSport Blog article (https://sylvansportblog.com/2012/06/an-epic-western-canadian-go-adventure/) I wrote for that trip!

Now…a repeat, with the same trailer. The Middle Fork of the Salmon, also in central Idaho.

This time however, I’d be transporting more gear, in fact…the entire expedition would be supported by my little Toyota Tacoma, and my SylvanSport GO…yesh!

A raft expedition is a very gear intensive proposition, more so than any other wilderness / outdoor expeditionary exploit. Gear is usually heavy, awkward, and difficult to pack. Coolers and waterproof boxes are stuffed with hundreds of pounds of food and ice, and personalized gear. Rafts never quite roll up the same as they did when they came from the manufacturer, and they are most often the bulkiest items to place in your tickle trunk. Thankfully, with the GO, the problem of getting the gear to the put in, and picked up at the take out is no longer a logistic to worry about.

All in all, the GO transported in one fell swoop:

  • two whitewater rafts
  • 7 sets of oars
  • paddles
  • coolers
  • aluminum boxes full of gear
  • ammunition boxes
  • personal gear items
  • tables
  • stoves & firepan
  • and anything else that could have been stuffed in it!

In order to get to the Middle Fork of the Salmon in Idaho, one must travel down the ‘Boundary Creek Road’, a 25 mile serpentine dirt road with an average downhill grade of 4%, riddled with sharp mountain stones at each switchback. Braking at this point becomes the challenge. My initial thoughts of having a ‘brake free’, ‘loaded to the gills’ trailer behind me concerned me at first, however after making the first couple of turns, the apprehension quickly shifted to confidence. The GO was once again in the spotlight. On our way down to the put in, I had the gear loaded in/on the GO in the ‘Travel Mode’ to help in fuel economy and stability. Tight turns, washboard gravel, loose rock, creek crossings, potholes, tight passageways, you name it…the GO was ready and willing to take it on. In short…the gear made it unscathed, and not a lick of damage, wear, or tear to the gear…or the GO. She was a weee bit dusty though!

Once we registered, we set out to the camp / prep area where the gear would be sorted and prepped for our expedition. Once unloaded, I set the GO up in the ‘Camp Mode’, and yes of course, others in the campsite marveled. The GO really does draw a crowd, and I’m always happy to speak of its accolades! Once the boats were set, we set off for a comfortable sleep.

The expedition down the 100 mile stretch of river has to be one of my all time favorite runs. Clean beautiful water, amazing whitewater, riverside hot springs, and incredible scenery are boundless. We used Blackadar Rafting to shuttle the truck and GO to the take out. The shuttle company was quite impressed at how compact the GO was, and were amazed to see how so much gear was packed.

At the take out, the GO stood ready for its next task…a heavier reload. I had picked up some additional gear for this trip, so I knew I’d be pushing the GO to its capabilities. This time I set the GO into the ‘Transport Mode’, which allows for a great deal of flexibility and ease of loading. All the gear at the take out seemed quite daunting, but I stood confident the GO would once again impress. Onlookers at the take out were astonished, as was I, on how we managed to pack so much gear into the back of a truck and onto a small sized trailer, purely inconceivable.

Even with the trailer heavier than before and set up into the Transport Mode, it hardly made any difference to our fuel economy, and quite honestly it never felt like I was towing a trailer. It blew my mind.

If you are ever in doubt as to how durable these trailers are….don’t. The GO goes beyond its expectations, and seems to impress me more and more as I own it. It is wholeheartedly the most ingenious piece of adventure gear I own, and will continue to be my go to pack mule for many expeditions to come!”

When we designed the GO trailer, trips like this is exactly what we had in mind. Whether it’s for a day or many days, the GO is made to help you pursue your own adventure. Go out, have some fun, and if you have a story to share about you and your GO, send it to us via e-mail with some pics. We’d love to hear it!


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