Coolest. Camper. Ever. Contest Finalist #3: Aaron Smith

It’s Friday and we thought we would get psyched for a fun weekend by posting our third and last (but definitely not least) finalist of our Coolest. Camper. Ever. Contest, Aaron Smith. You may remember Aaron from a previous post. Originally from the great big state of Texas, Aaron has seen the beauty of western NC and now calls it home. So here you have it, Aaron’s entry:

“What a grand GO adventure we shall have! Departing our beloved mountains of Western North Carolina, heading west in search of the whitewater that until now, has only been present in dreams. Riverboards and gear stowed nicely, my wife and I embark upon our adventure. Meeting our ‘friends’ that until now we have only known through whitewater videos and trip reports that they have shared with us. Names now have faces. Along the way we’ll make new friends who share our whitewater passion, be it in a raft, kayak, or riverboard like us. We’ll spend our days on the rivers and creeks, our nights gathered around campfires sharing tales of awesome runs and some missed lines too. Colorado is a stop on our trip, meeting our friend Erik to guide us through Gore Canyon, Clear Creek Black Rock section and a few other runs that only the locals know about. Then on to California for some Kern River whitewater with our friend Alex, a board maker and advocate of our sport. After our dizzying dash across the country and back, we’ll make one last detour and stop in for some New River and Gauley action. As the gear is still drying we roll down our driveway, smiles on our faces.”

Sounds like it’s going to be a sweet trip and we’re looking forward to being a part of it! We’ll definitely keep you posted on his adventure, so stay tuned! Happy paddling (boarding)!

Don’t forget to check out our current contest that we have going with our friends at Lazydays. Win your very own GO trailer…just fill out the form and keep your fingers crossed. Click here to enter!


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