SylvanSport as a checkpoint in the Brevard Alleycat bike race.

We love Brevard, NC. Why? Because we get to be part of things like the Broken Hearts Alleycat Bike Race. It’s pure fun! A group of about 75 cyclists gathered at Brevard Brewing Company last Friday night (Feb. 15), rode throughout Brevard, hitting 6 checkpoints, and finished back at the brewery for a little re-hydration, music, and after party.

Gathering for the start of the Alleycat in front of Brevard Brewery.

So, the basic idea is this: you show up at Brevard Brewing Company as a team of at least 2 and up to as many as you want. They give you a map with 6 checkpoints and it is up to your team to decide in which order to hit as many checkpoints as you can, as fast as you can and make it back to the brewery. Stops included Oskar Blues Brewery, Rockin Bowl Bowling Alley, Rocky’s Soda Shop, a couple of friends’ houses, and of course, SylvanSport. At each location, teams had to either sign off as being there, or complete a “task”, like blow up a balloon and tie it to your bike, bowl and knock down at least 1 pin, or answer a Trivial Pursuit question correctly. That last thing is not as easy as it may seem. Then, it was back to the brewery.

Light check.

All said and done, it was about 10 miles of riding, lots of good bonding, and a darn good time. Again, we love part of this town for many reasons and things like the Alleycat race is just one of them. Sometimes it really does feel like we’re livin’ the dream.

After party at Brevard Brewery.


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