Meet the Berzowskis Part 7: Thurmont, MD

Jim and Robin are off and running in their GO (nicknamed LEO – ‘Low Earth Orbiter’) on their 5 week Tour of the East! In search for adventure, and some warmer weather ☀️, the Berzowskis are heading south to Florida and following the coast back up to Milwaukee, WI. Along the way, they are stopping at SylvanSport dealers and giving them a little taste of the GO Life. Here is their latest check in after a visit with our dealer Beckley’s Camping Center in Thurmont, MD!

Berzowskis: Thurmont, MD

Got to Beckley’s Camping Center in Thurmont, Maryland this morning (they also have a location in New Oxford, Pennsylvania).  Charlie welcomed us to this huge center; it is vibrant and energetic – humming with activity!!  We chatted with Dan about the GO and our travels.  Donuts (compliments of Earl) drew in some of the sales folks – they have a large and busy staff.

Berzowskis: Thurmont, MD

We had fun with Easton, a new salesperson, breaking down and setting up their showroom GO.  He is a natural; we think that given a bit of practice, he could challenge the 10-minute set up time of Paige (American Family RV in Chesapeake)!!

Went outside with Paul, Rob, JP, and Easton to view our GO, because they wanted to see Jim’s unique way of hanging our bikes over the fenders, using rubber coated tension wires.  It really works well, keeps the bikes snug and secure. However, we plan to add bike racks to the top of the GO for our trip to Alaska.  With our current set up, we need to remove the bikes in order to set up the GO, even if we don’t plan to use them.  With bike racks mounted on the GO, we can just crank it up ?

Berzowskis: Thurmont, MD

Sean, another sales guy, gave us a shout out – he’d seen LEO (we named our GO after NASA’s Low Earth Orbiter) on the SylvanSport blog!  He and several of the other sales guys were surprised that we do not need a license plate on the trailer, but it is not required in Wisconsin.

Berzowskis: Thurmont, MD

Paul, aka ‘Air Force Guy’, interviewed us for his YouTube channel, asking about our travel experiences with our GO.  Poor Jim was losing his voice, so he sounded a little squeaky!  Then Paul made a video of us setting up their GO for his YouTube channel and to share with potential or actual buyers.

Berzowskis: Thurmont, MD

Out on the lot they had a GO set up, awaiting the arrival of its new owners later today!! Wish we had been able to stay to meet them, but we had to get on the road to get to our next, and LAST, destination before heading for Home Sweet Home tomorrow.

Best regards,

Robin and Jim


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