Coolest. Camper. Ever. Contest Finalist #1: Meghan Wolfgram

Last week, we introduced the 3 finalists for our Coolest. Camper. Ever. Adventure Contest and gave you a little background on each of them. I know a lot of you are curious to read their winning entries, so this week, we present you with Meghan Wolfgram’s entry!

“I’d have a howling good time GO’ing across the US (maybe Canada too). My mission: to get people and their dogs going by introducing them to the amazing sport of lure coursing. I’m dog-crazy (must be the *wolf* in my name) and I run local coursing events that get dogs active by letting them chase a lure around a field. I can’t tell who has more fun, the dog or their owner, and it makes for a great day of exercise and socialization. It’s something the entire community can get into. I’d pre-select 10 destination cities and hit the road with my GO, lure course machine, and my little dog, Pretzel. In between stops I’d visit animal shelters to help spread the word about adoption and the importance of responsible pet ownership. Lure coursing is fast, fun, and you’re in control. People love their dogs, but sometimes they just can’t provide the exercise Fido needs. This activity is the best boredom breaker; it’s instant fun – no training involved. Once you and your dog have tried it, you’re hooked, and it’s a great activity to share with your friends and fellow dog-lovers. Hold on to your camper, I’m letting the dogs out!”

There you have it! Meghan’s GO adventure, filled with dogs, advocacy, and lure chasing! We’re psyched to be part of any (well, almost any) adventure, but helping spread the word about being good to your animals friends, makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

We’ll be sharing the other 2 entries in posts to come, so stay  tuned! In the meantime, GO out and find yourself an adventure!


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